Monday, June 23, 2014

Electronic Touch Tablets

In a previous post I introduced you to some common AT devices and software.  The video below introduces many Apps that you can use to support Autistic and Nonverbal Children, along with other disabilities that may be present in your classroom.

All of these programs are available in the App store and would benefit any classroom with handwriting, reading, and other multisensory teaching applications.  When using an Ipad, or other electronic touch tablet, students do not have to have big bulky AT devices on their desk and are still able to participate with their general education peers.  Before the students start to use all the apps, you must first make sure the the student is able to use finger control and isolation.  A good app for that would be magic piano, that practices pointing, touching, and sweeping which in the long run, will help with communication as they grow up.

Social Stories:  Model Me KidsSonic Pics - use pictures that have been taken, and create story by narration per picture (12) to create a story of what you are going to do, or what you have done.  You can create social stories with this app, and email the stories to others (parent to school collaboration). 
Communication:  Yes No- able to program your own choices (2), add voice, options, and pictures.  
speak it- program that allows you to type what you want to say. Helps students participate that may have speaking trouble with fluency, rate, volume, articulation, or other speech issues.  Tap to Talk- these words/phrases are already programmed but may be used for low/basic communication (free).  Proloquo2go- there are hundreds of ways that you are able to use this program for communication. Youtube videos are available for tutorials.  
Sono Flex -  program for specific children, and customize pages per student. 

Speech:  furry friends- repeats what is said (voice back), so it works with articulation and fluency practice.  Helps work on speech and voice clarity.  vocal zoo - generalizing sounds that pertain to animals. 
Handwriting:  little sky writers - write/practice letters, but you cannot make mistakes!  doodle buddy- almost like paint on the computer, free form drawing, and using different colors. Has options for stamping, and you can use with children that you would usually have hand over hand, and can also create text and email to print, or to give to a parent.
Books:  Disney Digital Books: pictures are animated, and text is highlighted and read aloud, and finger is used to turn pages with swiping. Also can use as coloring books. Dr. Seuss Digital Books: book is just read aloud, words are not there or highlighted. This video is great insight into different apps available to use in the classroom with instruction, remediation, or even rewards.  I hope to use Google to help create a reference list for apps that will be available and useful for my future classroom!

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